Wetland Mapping

Wetland Mapping

The Chesapeake Conservancy’s data science team has developed a cutting-edge artificial intelligence deep learning model to address the critical need for updated wetlands mapping. With an impressive 94% accuracy, this innovative tool provides a transformative approach to minimizing impacts on wetlands and guiding conservation efforts.

Traditional wetland datasets are outdated and insufficient for the precision often needed in modern environmental planning. Our model leverages AI to deliver a reliable, data-driven solution that supports decision-makers in identifying and protecting wetlands.

How It Works
The deep learning model generates a probability map that predicts the likelihood of wetland presence across the landscape. Users can customize the data by selecting probability thresholds that best suit their specific needs:

  • High Probability Thresholds: Identify the most likely wetland areas with maximum confidence.
  • Lower Probability Thresholds: Broaden the extent of wetland mapping for exploratory or inclusive applications.

Access Data and Published Research
This groundbreaking work has been recognized by the scientific community and published in the journal Science of The Total Environment (February 2023). You can read the full manuscript here.

Please reach out to cic@storesoo.com if you are interested in the data or if you would like more information.


  • Chesapeake Conservancy Seeks Funding through America’s Ecosystem Restoration Initiative: America the Beautiful Challenge
  • Advocated for a Land and Water Conservation Fund allocation of $750,000 for Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in the annual appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2025


Chesapeake Conservancy and partners worked to conserve 178 acres in Delaware and Maryland (in progress)


  • Participate in master planning process for Nanticoke Crossing Park (ongoing)
  • Advocated for congressional earmark of $1.2million in funding for a new sewer pipe at Oyster House Park in Seaford


  • The City of Seaford, Chesapeake Conservancy and partners celebrate the grand opening of Oyster House Park along the Nanticoke River
  • Nanticoke Crossing Park is opened in Sussex County, DE, along the Nanticoke River through REPI and Mt. Cuba Foundation funding
  • On the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, Chesapeake Conservancy along with many valued partners welcomed Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks in Vienna, Maryland, as she visited the Middle Chesapeake Sentinel Landscape to highlight this Sentinel Landscape partnership
  • Partnership preserves 270 Acres in Wicomico County
  • Partnership Conserves 318 Acres in Dorchester County


Partnership Conserves 438 Acres in Wicomico County


  • USFWS, Chesapeake Conservancy, and Mt. Cuba Center Add 27 Acres to National Wildlife Refuge
  • Partnership Conserves 233 Acres of Farmland in Nanticoke Rural Legacy Area
  • Grand opening of Woodland Wharf’s improved public access to the Nanticoke with boat dock, canoe/kayak launch and other amenities


  • USFWS, Chesapeake Conservancy, and Mt. Cuba Center Conserve 155 Acres through Two Projects on the Nanticoke River
  • Partnership Conserves 230-acre Farm, Linking Protected Areas to Create a 7,730-acre-Corridor of Conserved Lands


Chesapeake Conservancy raised $1.5 millionto protect an additional 533 acres of land farmland that will helppreserve the rural character of the Sentinel Landscape and furtherthe mission of the federal, state, and non-profit partners


The Department of Defense (DoD) nationallycompetitive REPI Challenge awarded $1 million to helpconserve lands located within the newly designated Naval Air StationPatuxent River and Atlantic Test Ranges Sentinel Landscape inSouthern Maryland and along the Nanticoke River


  • The Departments of Agriculture, Defense, and the Interior designated the Nanticoke River and its surrounding areas as the Middle Chesapeake Sentinel Landscape
  • Chesapeake Conservancy raises $1.65 million to protect additional key properties along the Nanticoke River
  • USDA Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) selects the Chesapeake Bay is one of eight Critical Conservation Areas, including $5 million for a public-private conservation partnership in the Delmarva region


  • Chesapeake Conservancy’s Nanticoke River proposal was awarded $1 million through the Department of Defense’s nationally competitive REPI Challenge to protect property along the Nanticoke to protect Naval Air Station Patuxent River readiness
  • Chesapeake Conservancy processed 1 m x 1 m, high resolution land use land cover data for the Nanticoke River watershed, enhancing decision making options for all of our partners
  • Chesapeake Conservancy, in partnership with Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control (DNREC) and The Conservation Fund, conserved 17.7 acres of land along Chapel Branch, a tributary to the Nanticoke River near Seaford, DE
  • Chesapeake Conservancy Hosts National Conference on Landscape-Scale Conservation Initiatives


Chesapeake Conservancy raised $1.5 million to protect key properties along the Nanticoke River


Chesapeake Conservancy supports Delaware’s acquisition of Woodland Wharf, expanding public access to the Nanticoke River


On the heels of the establishment of the John Smith Chesapeake Trail, the U.S. Department of the Interior, states of Delaware and Maryland, and the Chesapeake Conservancy signed an agreement to work together to protect the Nanticoke River


Congress establishes the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail which includes the Nanticoke River